6. Breakpoints - 5 steps to heaven (continued)

Best Practice Tip:
As you name your breakpoints try using the syntax
do something, to something to get something.
An example might be
open the email to action the request

Make sure you follow the instructions we’ve provided in identifying the Break Points in the target area. Getting this right will play a very big part in determining the degree of benefit achieved.
Also, make sure you write them in a descriptive enough way that you can come back a day, a week or a month later and know what each Break Point is...
Enter this information into your template.
Step 3 – Describe your Actions
You are now ready to describe Actions that can be taken to eliminate Break Points. You have the Break Points documented, now what would it take to eliminate some of them from your target area?
For each Action you identify you need to know what the Action is (describe it) and what Break Points it eliminates. Most often Actions will eliminate multiple Break Points.
The number of Actions you identify and describe will depend on many factors. Try and get as many good Actions as you can, doing so will help you create the most beneficial cost reduction plan.
Enter this information into your template.

Step 4 – Do the Cost and Benefit Assessment
What else do we need to know? We need to place our Actions into perspective, which we do by answering three questions:
How Much? How Long? How Beneficial?
“How Much” is the cost (time, expense) of taking the Action? It’s best to judge cost by using the three categories of High, Medium and Low*.
“How Long” should be expressed in days, weeks or possibly months – but never years. Because eliminating causes of work is actually much easier (and less complicated) than fixing effects, most Actions will take 90 days or less*
(*many Actions will take less than 30 days to complete).
“How Beneficial” is the number of Break Points that would be eliminated combined with our judgment of the overall benefit of the Action. It’s also best to judge benefit as High, Medium or Low.
* The use of the High, Medium and Low scale plays an important psychological role in this technique. We really don’t need more detail than this to know which Actions we should take. By choosing to do a more detailed cost/benefit analysis we will create more work and distract ourselves from the goal – which is eliminating costs!
Enter this information into your template.

Step 5 – Build your Cost Reduction Plan
Choosing which Actions are to be taken should be pretty obvious at this point. From the information already gathered we can see which Actions have the most “bang for the buck.” But for the order of the Actions it’s important to create a mix that makes it easy for us to be successful on a regular basis.
Try starting with a “quick win” to get people enthused about the plan. Mix other “quick wins” into the plan to create “breathers.”
Also consider prioritizing an Action that addresses glaring issues – those we all know are “not right.” Doing this communicates your understanding of the people in your organization and your empathy with their concerns.
Number your Actions in the order in which you want them to be taken. Use the same number for Actions that should be taken simultaneously.

5. Breakpoints - The Five Steps for Reducing Costs

The Five Steps for Reducing Costs

Describe your Target - The target is the “area” we are seeking to improve. Most often this would be thought of in terms of a “process” but there is no restriction on how we define the target areas we are working on.
Identify Break Points - For the target area, all of the Break Points that exist need to be identified. They also need to be described well enough that we (and others) can easily recognize them at any time.
Describe your Actions - Describing your actions is the way you clearly identify the steps you could take to eliminate causes of work. By identifying Actions and the number of Break Points each Action will eliminate, the benefit from each Action becomes clear.
Do the Cost and Benefit Assessment - The Cost and Benefit assessment adds several items that are important in helping us build our Cost Reduction Plan. What we need to know is: How Much? How Long? How Beneficial?
Build your Cost Reduction Plan - Using the Cost and Benefit assessment we can now build our Cost Reduction Plan. We do this by choosing which Actions are to be taken, and the order they are taken in.
Let’s explore these Steps in more detail:
Step 1 - Describe your Target Area,
ideally in terms that are understandable to others in your organization. Your Target Area will often be a “process,” as this is one of the most common terms used in describing the work people do.
Step 2 – Identify Break Points.
For the target area, identify each of the Break Points that exist within it, then record them in a descriptive enough way that others (and you if you come back later) will immediately know what you mean.
Note – This may initially present a challenge as it is not something we commonly have done in the past. Persevere and do your best to identify the Break Points in your target area and enough information will be available for you to build your cost reduction plan.

4. Breakpoints - Identifying them, fixing them and controling them

Do you follow up on others to ensure that activities they are responsible for are being done in a timely manner so you can get your primary work done?
Any time we “check” on something, we are doing so because a Break Point exists.
Do you ever need to “fight a fire”?
Every “fire” exists because of a Break Point, Moment of Truth or Business Rule.
What about meetings? Do you have meetings in order to get everyone “on the same page”?
Many meetings exist solely to coordinate and communicate the actions that need to be taken in response to “break downs” from Break Points and Moments of Truth.
How many actions do you take to confirm something got done, has been completed or to check on something to make sure it is in a particular place, with a particular person, etc?
Actions taken to confirm other actions are behaviors that arise from failures that have occurred in the past (we have learned our lesson) at Break Points and Moments of Truth.
How many times have you had to fill out one or more forms to “document” the fact that something got done?
Documenting normal work is a behavior spawned by process failure at one or more Break Points as a means to “reduce” the number of failures that don’t get “caught.” (This is called fixing the effect – which always leads to the creation of more Causes of Work.)
Remember, any place that a hand-off occurs for any interaction between any combination of people and systems, a Break Point exists.
What do you need to know to put this strategy to work for you? 
It’s simple. You are only five steps away from identifying the causes of work in your organization then eliminating them. You need to have a target, Break Points identified, Actions identified, Cost/Benefit Assessment and your Cost Reduction Plan.

3. Breakpoints - how much work do they create?

A variety of studies exist that place the percentage of time the average employee spends on non-value added work at 40% to 90%. Regardless of where you fall on that scale one thing is obvious...

Identifying and eliminating the causes of non-value added work presents an opportunity for cost reduction of at least 40%. And that’s a prize worth pursuing.

What are Break Points?

Any point within a process where work is handed off is a Break Point. There are four main types of Break Points:

1) person to person

2) person to system

3) system to person

4) system to system.

Break Points are places where stuff goes wrong more often than any place else. Handoffs fail, work is incomplete, and stuff gets duplicated in a cycle that produces a perpetual drain on the organization’s resources.

Like the baton hand-off in Track and Field relay races; if something happens at the hand-off, something unplanned, the next runner must stop running and deal with the resulting issue.

They can’t continue with the race, which is their professional skill, until they have dealt with the failed hand-off. So when something unexpected happens at a hand-off we must stop what we are doing and perform an activity that is nothing to do with our professional skill.

What could go wrong at a Break Point?

For the relay team, the runner waiting for the baton could start too early, either runner could drop the baton, the runner receiving the baton could start too late, either runner could use the wrong hand*, the baton could be slick for some reason causing it to slip... you get the point.

*Many Break Points cause work when the patterns we (people) are used to get changed for any reason. People always create patterns of work behavior. It makes it much easier for us to do things that have repetition. The patterns we’re talking about are not documented anywhere, they are the naturally evolving patterns people in our organizations create to help them do their work.

But these patterns are often violated. For example: a new person is involved (they don’t know the existing pattern), someone is using a different software program, somebody changed a form or document, a new policy went into place requiring people to follow a business rule in how they do a more generic activity like making a request or sending an email, someone’s job changed slightly and they have created a new personal work pattern, a new manager comes in, etc, etc, etc.

To identify with the concept of Break Points (BP) all you have to do is think about the work you do on a daily basis. How much of that work is caused by Break Points?

Think about it.

Identity, Expression and reputation (thanks Mathias Klang)

Something for the weekend sir? This is a really good one on the rights and wrongs of freedom.
I really get with the slide featuring Stephen Fry :)

2. Breakpoints - the root of all internal evil and yet the Promised land?

That is the size of the prize the Break Points Toolkit targets – the rest of the non-value added work iceberg.
Non value-added work is consuming up to 90% of your employees’ time. Yet many of the approaches to increasing utilization are producing little benefit and may even be contributing to the problem. Yet there is a much easier and direct way to identify the causes of this non value-added work in your organization so that you can start eliminating them today!
A Google search on “non value added work” turns up over 104 million matches. It’s an issue we are all very aware of, one that is a source of continuing frustration because most often when we act to increase our utilization somehow the numbers never seem to hit the bottom line.
So what we are doing isn’t working.
We need something different, something that works. Perhaps there is a statistical method or scientific formula that will help us break through this success barrier?
Actually, all you need is a simple technique that allows you to identify the source of the non value-added work so that it can then be removed! 
It’s kind of like a tumor. Before X-Rays, Sonograms, and MRIs, it wasn’t easy to identify a tumor in the human body. With these tools many tumors are now very easy to identify. They stand out like a sore thumb.
For non-value added work our diagnostic machine is Break Points. They are the number one cause of work in organizations everywhere and yet most of the time we aren’t even aware that we should be looking for them.
Like those advanced medical diagnostic machines, using Break Points as our “cause of work diagnostic machine” makes it easy to identify the sources of non-value added work.
And once we have identified them we can take action to eliminate them. That's where we are going next.


1. Breakpoints - those insidious internal handoffs

insidious - Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects:

Yup that is Breakpoints.

Most process improvement techniques focus on only a small portion of the improvement potential in every process… the tip of the iceberg if you will. 

How big is the opportunity resting out of our sight, hidden below the waterline of current process improvement practices? 

Recent research shows that as much as 70 to 90 percent of the work people do on a daily basis comes directly from Causes of Work and this work is NOT part of the “job” for which these people were hired! Instead, this is non-value added work that takes away from people’s ability to do their job.
Does this sound familiar? Can you identify places in your work or life where these Causes of Work are distracting you from what you really want to be doing?

Are you required to fill out this form, check up on that order, follow-up on those activities, fix the thing that is broken, find what got lost, or explain why this was done that way? 

Do you get tasked with finding the answer, knowing the rules, going to meetings (because), pushing something through, chasing down what really happened, explaining why you did this or that? The list goes on and on but you shouldn’t need to look very far in any part of your life to find all kinds of examples of non-value add work you are doing every single day!

The Break Points Toolkit explicitly targets these “hidden” wasters of time and money. Causes of Work are the “rest of the iceberg” for process improvement that, when addressed, lead to dramatic process improvement results regardless of what kind of process is involved or what kind of organization the process is in.

Can you envisage reducing the costs of your operations by 20%, 30%, 40% or even more than 50%?

Moments of Truth are fine but what about ...

Breakpoints an Introduction
The last few articles have focused our attention on the primary cause of all work in our processes - Moments of Truth. Fix those and the benefits are dramatic, immediate and sustainable. However what about this internal work we are doing? All the hand-offs between departments, the relationships with business partners and the wider Supply Chain? That is where Breakpoints come in.
What you will Learn
The Breakpoints Tool Kit provides the means to tackle internal bureaucracy and reduce/eliminate all those handoffs that cause all that work.
The BP Group provides a program built on 8 foundational methods, techniques and skills which help you to deliver triple crown benefits i.e. simultaneously reducing costs, improving revenues and enhancing service.
The steps are practical, sensible and focused on action. The approach provides direction to people who are responsible for organization performance improvement, process realignment and ensuring ‘outside in’ thinking at all levels of business.  If you fall into that category, the method and techniques will help you realize your performance and process objectives. The BP Group recommends this solid and proven approach to senior executives, managers and process performance professionals.

Ready? We start Breakpoints tomorrow. See you then :)

PEX and BP Group Certified Process Professional (CPP) May 2-3, London

Just around the corner is PEX Europe in two weeks time.

In association with IQPC and the PEX network we are running a two day Certified Process Programme (CPP). Now in its 7th year the CPP qualification has spread far and wide with more than 25,000 certified across 92 countries. Places are in high demand so if you would like to attend book here and the PEX team will help get you in the room on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd May.

5. Moments of Truth and their link to Strategy

The Five Steps to Winning the Triple Crown with MOT's

Identify your Goal
Of course the overall goal is to improve customer satisfaction. But to achieve that goal we need to know what role we are acting within. This helps us know if we are educating, leading, directing or doing.
Describe your Target
The target is the “area” we are seeking to improve. Most often this would be thought of in terms of a “process” but there is no restriction on how we define the target areas we are working on.
Identify Moments of Truth
For the target area, all of the Moments of Truth that exist need to be identified. They also need to be described well enough that what was meant is easily recognizable to others or when we come back to our work at a later date.
“Blink” your Analysis
Judging the impact of Moments of Truth on Customer Satisfaction is a very subjective thing. It’s relatively easy for people to do, but very difficult to codify. It can best be done by looking at the Goal, the Target and the Moments of Truth all together. In most cases the Moments of Truth that are problematic will immediately become obvious.
Describe your Actions
Describing your actions is the way you build the direction, leadership vision or specific activities that need to be done for improvement to take place. Depending on what your Goal is, your Actions need to take the form that will help get the work you know needs doing, done.
It’s important to have a goal. If we don’t have a goal then it’s very hard to play the game to win! So in your MOT Plan you need a goal.
What is your goal?
While Improving Customer Satisfaction is the overall goal, the specific goals for people to help us achieve that are what is needed to get results.

Those specific goals could be several things depending on who you are and what you do. Let’s look at some examples and see how they change the nature of the MOT Plan goal.

4. Moments of Truth, metrics and dashboards

4. Moments of Truth, metrics and dashboards

Consider a dashboard of MOT’s across the organization. Ownership can be assigned to each and every MOT and they can be actively managed to progressively improve the process. For any process that deserves to exist there is an optimum number of MOT’s to achieve a Successful Customer Outcome (SCO).  What would be the theoretical optimum? One MOT. It is however rare to find that animal, so at a pragmatic level what should be the optimum?

A direct relationship exists between the technology that supports a process, the peoples skill and competence and the clear objective articulation of an SCO. Lower levels of organization maturity (technology, people, process) result in higher numbers of MOT’s. This in turn creates higher costs, poorer service and less than optimal performance.

On a scale of 1-10 (1 bad, 10 good) how developed and supportive is the technology, people skills and SCO development?

A typical dashboard with MOT’s includes metrics such as: Amount, Type, Ownership, Alignment, Trend, Ratio and Impact. We will explain and discuss the latter two later.

Voice of Customer (doh)

Business Process Management - what is it?

Moments of Truth - what are they?

Breakpoints and Business Rules?

Successful Customer Outcomes (SCO's) http://youtu.be/u4keI_kmdxM 

Voice of Customer? http://youtu.be/bTbHrxi1Vq4  

Latest CPP program – Levels 1-8

Linked In (Over 10,000 members now)  BP Group overall 85,000
Certified Process Professionals 25,000+

3. Moments of Truth and alignment

3. Moments of Truth and alignment

Having identified the MOT’s and understood their Type we can ask ourselves do they explicitly contribute to the achievement of a Successful Customer Outcome. In a very direct way you can see MOT’s that are moments of misery, and those that are moments of magic.

Naturally we wish to eradicate the moments of misery, and optimize the moments of magic. Famously Scandinavian Airlines, under the leadership of Jan Carlson, set about removing unnecessary MOT’s and in doing so became one of Europes leading airlines in the late 1980’s.

How many MOT’s can you find, what type are they and do they contribute to a Successful Customer Outcome?

2. Moments of Truth (MOT) and their usefulness.

2. Moments of Truth (MOT) and their usefulness.

Any interaction with the customer is a MOT. There are of course many different types of interaction and we can summarize them as follows:
Person to Person –
Person to System –
System to Person –
System to System –
Person to the Product or Service -
Product or Service to Person –

Let’s review examples of each.
Person to Person.
In a shop. Buying a ticket at a manned ticket outlet. Meeting a supplier. Anything in fact that involves a direct interaction between people.

Person to System.
Navigating an Automated Voice Response system. Paying for a parking ticket from a machine at the airport. Interacting with a cell phone.

System to Person.
Receiving a voicemail on your phone. Showing your passport to an automated immigration check. Requesting money from a ATM.

System to System.
The interaction between your machine and a server when you send an email. Your car navigation system interacting with a GPS system.

Person to Product or Service.
Operating a vacuum cleaner. Noticing your fences have blown down after a storm (this interaction is with your insurance policy).

Product or Service to Customer.
Receiving parcels from Amazon. Driving a hire car.

As you can see there may be nested MOT’s and they often occur in sequence. For instance Calling an automated call centre (PS), then following key presses (PS), talking with a Customer Service Representative (PP) and finally the call being closed by the automated service (SP).

A process is shaped by the types of MOT, their frequency and the relationship between them.

What types of MOT have you experienced today? 

Exploring the fertile territory of Moments of Truth *** Moments of Truth are the cause of all our work ***

1. Moments of Truth are the cause of all our work.

In fact MOT’s create what we all say is process. Here is a video that explains their origin back in the 20th century. For our purposes this 10 part (one a day) series takes us through the understanding, usefulness and advanced application of MOT’s.

Why are they so important? Put simply any interaction with the customer is a Moment of Truth. Any interaction. Combine that with the observation that the customer experience is the process and you can see that MOT’s extend upstream and downstream of our business.

For example Southwest Airlines have innovated their check in process and it happens as you check out of the hotel. That MOT allows them to get the baggage into the loading cycle early and as a consequence it costs less, enhances customer service and ultimately delivers increased revenue (we all want more of that).

Getting a grip on Moments of Truth allows us to make the customers lives easier, simpler and more successful.

Upcoming BP Group Certified Process Professional (CPP) opportunities

Thinking about investing in your future? Needing to extend your Professional scope?
Here's the next 20+ Open classes delivered by the BP Group and the Certified Process Professional (CPP) program:

Country Event Starts Level Duration (days)
USA San Francisco, USA, CPP Professional®, Masters® April 2013 Apr 8, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
India Kolkata Certified Process Professional Masters®, April 2013 Apr 8, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
Canada TORONTO, Canada BP Group CPP Professional®, CPP Masters®, April 2013 Apr 8, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
USA Chicago, USA, CPP Professional®, Masters® April 2013 Apr 15, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
USA Atlanta USA, CPP Professional®, Masters® April 2013 Apr 22, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
Kenya Nairobi, Kenya - CPP Professional®, Masters® April 2013 Apr 22, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
Australia SYDNEY - Advanced Masters® & CPP Champion®, 22 April 2013 Apr 22, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
India PUNE Certified Process Professional Masters®, April 2013 Apr 22, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
USA NEW YORK CPP Professional®, Masters® April 2013 Apr 29, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
South Africa CAPE TOWN, CPP Professional®, Masters® May 2013 May 6, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
South America Sao Paulo, Brazil - CPP Professional®, Masters® May 2013 May 13, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
China Beijing, China CPP Professional®, Masters® May 2013 May 20, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur CPP Professional®, Masters® MAY 2013 May 20, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
South America Buenos Aires - CPP Professional®, Masters® May 2013 May 20, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
China Hong Kong, China CPP Professional®, Masters® May 2013 May 27, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
UK LONDON, UK CPP Professional®, Masters® June 2013 Jun 3, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
UAE DUBAI, UAE CPP Professional® & CPP Masters® & CPP Champion®, June 2013 Jun 16, 2013 6-7-8 4
Australia Brisbane CPP Professional® & CPP Masters®, July 2013 Jul 29, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
Australia SYDNEY, CPP Professional®, Masters®, August 2013 Aug 5, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
Singapore Singapore CPP Professional®, Masters® September 2013 Sep 2, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur CPP Professional®, Masters® Sept 2013 Sep 9, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
Philipines Jakarta CPP Professional®, Masters® September 2013 Sep 16, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
Australia BRISBANE CPP Advanced Masters® & CPP Champion®, September 2013 Sep 16, 2013 6-7-8 4
Japan TOKYO CPP Professional®, Masters® September 2013 Sep 23, 2013 1-2-3-4-5 5
South Africa CAPE TOWN, CPP Advanced Masters® & CPP Champion®, 23-26 September 2013 Sep 23, 2013 6-7-8 4

Advanced BPM and Outside In - The CEMMethod

The CEMMethod is widely used as the means to help organizations progress Outside In. This slideshow shares the most recent updates to this popular framework, with 38 techniques included to enhance your capabilities, individually and enterprise wide.

Access more informaiton on how to lean and apply the CEMMethod from here.

Living the Dream

This week saw the fulfillment of a childhood dream. I have now visited the 48 Contiguous States of the USA  yay!
North Carolina and a progressive organization helped me achieve this honor.
So thanks to James Taylor for helping me live the dream.
Happy? Ecstatic!

What dreams are you working on? How soon before you get there?

Ciao, Steve

ps. Just need Someone to invite me to Hawaii and Alaska now for the full set :)

Video snippets for those Outside In tools

Business Process Management - what is it?

Moments of Truth - what are they?

Breakpoints and Business Rules?

Successful Customer Outcomes (SCO's) http://youtu.be/u4keI_kmdxM 

Voice of Customer?

Latest CPP program – Levels 1-8

Linked In (Over 10,000 members now)  BP Group overall 85,000

Certified Process Professionals 25,000+

Successful Customer Outcomes Posting Five

            What does a completed SCO Map look like? Here is one example:

If you understand SCO Maps in their original 2006 form you will also notice the improvedcapacity for iteration. In fact mature Outside In organizations will have undertaken two or perhaps three cycles of analysis to arrive at a completed understanding of customer needs.

In this example the one liner is “Improving Quality of Life”.

So circle back and prepare your own SCO Map (we also call the iterative diagram a SCO Revolution to explain the need for further refinement beyond the first cut).

Test it with colleagues and don’t be surprised if you find your understanding of customers needs is totally transformed for the better.