It sure is busy here at BPM Towers. In the last month we qualified two new BPGroup Licensed Coaches, Mark Johnston (UK based) and Alexandre Nevski (Swiss based). Another, Ian Singleton (UK Public sector), is close to completing the requirements and will no doubt jump in the deep end, just as Alex is doing this week.
In a true baptism of fire Alex starts his Coaching assignments in Helsinki and then Moscow where he will lead more than 50 wannabe Certified Process Professionals through CPP Levels 1&2.
Latest CPP program
Meanwhile yours truly isn’t sitting on the beach ;-) I am here in Delhi flying the flag with our Indian partners iCMG in delivering training to the worlds leading BPO companies. Next week sees me in Bangalore (the garden city) while Jason Edlin, our Lead Coach with Frame Group, tackles, sorry works with, a challenging bunch in Melbourne and Canberra.

April 2012 was indeed our busiest month ever as we move to celebrate our 20th anniversary with more than 300 people gaining at least Certified Process Professional ® (CPP®) status, and of those 18 became BPGroup Certified Process Professional Masters ® (CPP-Master®).
We will have an update for all later this week which will include new videos, new case studies, new downloads, the new CEMMethod™ news (with a supporting webinar) and always the latest CPP program
Have a truly great week and I will see you in the action later....