Six months, Eight How To articles on LinkedIn Pulse

Why are Lean and Six Sigma failing so badly?

Customer Experience Management - the truth

Amazon - I love you but you gotta stop this quick!

Holacracy - fad or freedom?

How can we Link Process with Strategy to...

The Age of Personalization is here...

How a Process Professional Cert Will 

Do you want to get in the picture? Join us soon at a session in a city near you...

Join us to learn the Secrets of Apples, Googles, Zara, Zappos and Emirates success

Certified Process Professional Masters Champions (CPP-Master) Program

An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 150 times, in 57 cities with delegates from 108 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism


Dubai CPP Masters achieve successful outcomes

Delegates from UAE, Qatar, UK and Nigeria gathered at the Crown Plaza in Dubai and following an intensive session reviewing case studies of more than 20 Outside-In organisations achieved certification. 

Well done guys! Review the happy campers. There are now more than 700 Certified Process Professionals in the GCC region, a list of recent Middle East companies includes several emergent global leaders (see below).

Team Falcon (Mike in the middle is the captain!)

Team Galaxy - their stars shone bright.

The Hunters have their prizes - CPP Master certificates

Triple Crown Plus share the honors

Do you want to get in the picture? Join us soon at a session in a city near you...

Join us to learn the Secrets of Apples, Googles, Zara, Zappos and Emirates success

Certified Process Professional Masters  Champions (CPP-Master) Program

An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 150 times, in 57 cities with delegates from 108 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism

Customer Experience Management - it is all about the customer stupid!

Customer Experience Management is defined as the total effort that goes into creating successful customer outcomes.
This includes customer interactions and the conscious experience the customer ‘sees’ PLUS all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes, the IT, the people, the internal processes and the rules that connect the dots through to customer success.

For example a visit to a Cirque de Soleil in Las Vegas is a wonderful experience. The artists, the lights, the music and the emotion. However that is only half the story. The complete experience is delivered through the hard work behind the scenes, the production process, the electronics, the costumes, the training, the marketing, accounting and so on. Both what the customer sees and what creates the experience is the complete customer experience.

Do you want to get in the picture? Join us soon at a session in a city near you...

Join us to learn the Secrets of Apples, Googles, Zara, Zappos and Amazons success

Certified Process Professional Masters  Champions (CPP-Master) Program

An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 150 times, in 57 cities with delegates from 108 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism

Amazon - I love you but you gotta stop this quick!

Amazon are iconic. They set the bar very high with radical new ways of delivering successful customer outcomes, whether it is Prime, Prime Instant (deliveries in 2 hours) or the Dash buttons. Quite exceptional but at what cost?

I buy stuff every week, and once a month order 'magic paper', usually 10 rolls at a time. For the last three months I have also received a mountain of cardboard, plastic fuller and some very tired drivers. Why?
Something has gone very wrong at the Scotland Amazon depot who see fit to send every order separately packaged.

Let me walk you through the waste tip that has become our hall...

Item ordered - one legamaster roll x 10

Delivery as it arrived

And then all the resulting open boxes

With finally the pile of trash for the disposal 

Legamaster rolls packed nicely in original packaging (ten rolls)

Now unpacking and bursting all that fancy bubble wrap took 40 minutes of mess. Please please Mr. Bezos I do not know what is happening at the Scottish distribution centre  but please get it fixed quick -  otherwise you will have the world and his brother of environmentalists screaming wasteful capitalists! And you and your loyal customers do not need that.

Do you want to get in the picture? Join us soon at a session in a city near you...

Join us to learn the Secrets of Apples, Googles, Zara, Zappos and Emirates success

Certified Process Professional Masters  Champions (CPP-Master) Program

An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 150 times, in 57 cities with delegates from 108 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism