Quite a debate has broken out in reaction to the latest release/retraction then rerelease of the annual Gartners BPM Systems Magic Quadrant. Join the discussion at http://bit.ly/LWcPK.
Here's an extract from Theo Priestley...
The end of Gartner's reign in my opinion.
I had a sneak preview at the latest MQ report from Gartner from a friend in a particular vendor who were very pleased to say the least to make the MQ for the first time.....however.....
This smacks of a major u-turn to fit either the market conditions today or getting 'found out' for leading organisations down a path they really didn't need to go down. Honestly, I wonder how they got away with those MQ reports for so long. People take them far too seriously and their glorified SWOT analysis really only served to preserve a very uneasy status quo in BPM. There has been little real innovation in tools because this kind of paid advertising can backfire on a vendor who develops something out of the norm.
Are companies growing tired of their broad brush format and BPM changing little over the years ? Are they turning their backs on Gartner (I suspect Butler and Forrester will no doubt revamp their reports just to keep up) in droves to make their own decisions based on what fits their business not what Gartner tells them will fit ?
I know for a fact, I've been involved in vendor selection before and have been told to look at research but never to base the final decision on it. Research on BPM tools and methods should be impartial, fact based and tailored to the clients needs. It needs to go back to basics to the old approach where clients and customers ask for specifics to be investigated according to their needs, industry and future demands. Not a broad brush approach and a 20 page report covering every aspect, relevant or not.
Oil & Gas, Financial Services, Utilities, NFPs, Legal, Local Govt: they all use BPM(S) for different reasons and as such should have difference criteria to weight each tool upon. That means REAL research.
There is a need for this in the market place. In this time where resources are precious and decisions cost, can we afford not to have it.
Achieving Successful Customer Outcomes with BPM, CEM and Outside-In thinking and practice.
Business Transformation - Are you onboard?
The world of business is undergoing dramatic change. Driven by a number of factors organizations are needing to realign themselves to adapt and evolve. This transformation is global and reaches into every business sector impacting how companies create, deliver and sustain their products and services. {more}
Emirates to optimize critical Moment of Truth
By 2011, according to the International Air Traffic Association (IATA) there will be 4.75 billion airline passengers a year. In other words that’s the equivalent of 3 out of every 4 people on the planet taking a flight in one year, and everyone of those trips involves an average of 1.6 bags per person – that is 7.6 billion bags a year. {more}
Gulf States Embrace Certified Process Professional training
The Middle East has enthusiastically embraced the presence of BP Group partner on the ground, Dr. Fahad Altwaijry and EBTRAC (altwaijry@bpgroup.org) and there are several projects underway with consultancy and training around Advanced BPM and the Customer Expectation Management Method. Here's a report.. {more}
Don't give the Customer what they think they want
It is pretty much accepted wisdom these days that companies should be customer focused. It is however unfortunate that most companies go the wrong way about this by asking their customers what they want. Customers describe their requirements in terms of products and services and then when the company builds and delivers they are not desired or bought. Henry Ford put it very well.... {more}
The Evolution of Business Process Management (updated)
A theme of recent global conferences has been the mix of different approaches to improving business performance. This quest for business performance improvement as measured by reducing costs, improving revenues and enhanced service (also known as ‘the triple crown’) is a worldwide phenomena brought on by increasing competition, greater customer promiscuity, chaotic business cycles and more generally ‘globalization’. The pressure continues to increase and companies are seeking to extract every last opportunity out of their various initiatives and approaches. So what works best then?
Review the full article
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Review the full article
BP Group Members can download a PDF of this article (with tables etc.)
and an associated Powerpoint presentation
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The Causes of Work
Every Customer Interaction is a Moment of Truth (MOT). Whether it’s person to person, person to system, system to person, system to system or person to product they are all Causes of Work.
That work in dealing with MOT’s creates internal handoffs, these are Breakpoints. Places where things can and do go wrong and we see them happening between people, systems and services all the time.
All our internal communications are in fact Breakpoints. For instance how many emails do you receive from colleagues and business partners daily? How many calls do you have to make to get the job done? How many 'systems' do you work with?
According to US research firm The Radi... [more]
That work in dealing with MOT’s creates internal handoffs, these are Breakpoints. Places where things can and do go wrong and we see them happening between people, systems and services all the time.
All our internal communications are in fact Breakpoints. For instance how many emails do you receive from colleagues and business partners daily? How many calls do you have to make to get the job done? How many 'systems' do you work with?
According to US research firm The Radi... [more]
Let's talk Successsful Customer Outcomes (SCO) then...
How do Disney weave their magic?
The recent article 'The World of Magic' resulted in a series of questions around ‘what is the SCO?¨. Well as it is so often said it isn’t rocket science. In fact it has to be one of the simplest concepts available in business today – and yet so often missed. It is often so simple it is elegant, so let’s review what Disneys SCO might just be...
Most of us have been there. A car full of screaming kids eager to start their Disney vacation however trouble is you’ve driven six hours (or flown ten) and frankly the last thing you want to do is fight the car lot. Much better find that quiet hotel room and bar and chill until tomorrow? Not so. This is the kids vacation and they’re going to squeeze every minute out of the long awaited trip to the Magic Kingdom. So what say Disney in this situation? Do they leave you to fight the crowds, get incredibly irritated and leave you with a pile of now prickly family? Well no - they have been there too after all and it is real easy to see it from the customers point of view. {more}
The recent article 'The World of Magic' resulted in a series of questions around ‘what is the SCO?¨. Well as it is so often said it isn’t rocket science. In fact it has to be one of the simplest concepts available in business today – and yet so often missed. It is often so simple it is elegant, so let’s review what Disneys SCO might just be...
Most of us have been there. A car full of screaming kids eager to start their Disney vacation however trouble is you’ve driven six hours (or flown ten) and frankly the last thing you want to do is fight the car lot. Much better find that quiet hotel room and bar and chill until tomorrow? Not so. This is the kids vacation and they’re going to squeeze every minute out of the long awaited trip to the Magic Kingdom. So what say Disney in this situation? Do they leave you to fight the crowds, get incredibly irritated and leave you with a pile of now prickly family? Well no - they have been there too after all and it is real easy to see it from the customers point of view. {more}
Successful Customer Outcomes (SCO's) and the world of magic
For many of us talking and acting the SCO way has become second nature.That means if you are eating and breathing the alignment of your processes towards SCO’s then progressively the original focus begins to shift and in fact we refine and sharpen our ability both to meet and subsequently exceed customer expectations. That’s precisely what is happening in the magic kingdom [more]
Building the BPM Balanced Scorecard
This conference in Arlington, VA reviewed the most upto date thinking and practice with BPM, Scorecards and Strategy Maps. Features a FedEx mini casestudy.
Put on Your Running Shoes - the launch of the Nipple?
Achieving Successful Customer Outcomes (SCO’s) is not just an internal exercise. Powerful SCO’s may be created through partnerships with otherwise completely different industries. Look at your services and products through the customers eyes and powerful market winning solutions emerge. Such is the tie up between Nike and Apple recently. A combination of products - the Apple [more]
Developing the BPM Skillset
From two years ago however just as relevant
How low flying airlines can reach a new service altitude
Reach a New Service Altitude In recent times I have talked about Successful Customer Outcomes (SCOs), those things that we should seek out on behalf of our customers to ensure we deliver and exceed their expectations. If we align our organizations to SCOs (rather than industrial age silos) we become slicker, more agile, and indeed more [more] |
The Importance Of Professional Certification
by Anand Subramanian at The New World of Work blog:
"Certification has found its way into almost every industry for a reason: It helps advance the profession."
From Anands article:
"A person’s achievement of Professional Certification documents his / her expertise and recognizes his / her personal commitment to their professional development. Additionally, the respective Professional Association / Society provides a strong collective entity through which individuals are rewarded financially and professionally." {more}
Mastering the SCO Mindset - Part 2
The second generation of "Mastering the SCO Mindset" share many things in common with those mentioned in our first article. They are all believers in their cause, they know how to communicate those beliefs in such a way as to inspire others and they are great leaders. The difference is that the second generation did [more] |
Mastering the SCO Mindset
Our earlier articles around Successful Customer Outcomes and Next Practice talked about the importance of understanding what customers want, aligning the organization to these objectives, and delivering consistently. Here we want to concentrate on another element, one that is at least as important because it is one of the key enablers for making the changes [more] |
Three Steps to Heaven
Successful Customer Outcomes - Three Steps to Heaven? Take the Lift Just the other day I was standing in the lobby of a hotel waiting for the elavator to arrive. I had plenty of thinking time while I waited, and I was reminded of a great recent example of customer-focused innovation. I don't know whether your [more]
New Answers to Old Questions
In the first article in this mini-series I talked about how the most successful organizations of the moment are using new thinking to take the lead in their industries. In this second article I want to look at how other organizations can start to make the changes they need to keep up. One of the key [more] |
Successful Customer Outcomes - New Thinking for a New Age
Two items of business news have caught my eye recently: Tesco's latest results, cementing their place as the number one online retailer in the world and number one food retailer in the UK; and the start of the latest Stelios venture, easyCruise. Now there may not seem to be much to connect these two stories [more] |
Delivering Customer Service to reduce costs, improve revenue and enhance Service
"There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else". Sam Walton, founder Walmart. And never has there been a time when this is more true. Competition, globalization, conformance, complexity are all things forcing us to look at how work [more]
Customer Age thinking - the changing face of Public Service
In many countries, the phrase public service is considered something of an anachronism. At all levels of government and government led services, customers perceive that overall they get a raw deal when compared to the levels of service they now regularly expect from privately held organizations. In this article we will explore how Customer Age [more]
A very old question, a very new Answer
At a recent senior executive seminar we were discussing the theme of Successful Customer Outcomes (SCO) and one question which cut to the quick deserves more after thought. Picture a dark, dingy Victorian meeting room in central London, the sleet slapping against the windows and it is late on a winter's afternoon. The bright spot? [more]
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