Eight ways to embrace the Enlightened Customer

"We are trying so hard but achieving so little" this phrase echoes around many organisations who are trying desperately to form and execute a customer centric vision and culture. Why is it proving so hard?
Guest blog: James Dodkins
The first thing we need to understand is that in the 21st century our customers are very different animals. Both you and I as customers have transformed beyond recognition, our changing attitudes and habits make us very difficult to keep up with. Some people have described this phenomenon as the ‘Enlightened Customer’ and it takes an enlightened organisation to deliver outstanding service to this new breed.

The spread of the internet has been the catalyst for this change in customers, we are all connected to each other, we are connected all of the time without exception, we are connected through many different devices and mediums, we are living in an always-on world.

Because customers have been exposed to more of the world... Read the full story (and get access to a FREE hands-on Customer Experience session)....
You can also get a sneak preview here: https://bit.ly/CEMLeaders

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