(note: save for ongoing reference)
http://bit.ly/joinbpgroup - 12,000+ members networking with ideas
http://bit.ly/joinbpgroup - 12,000+ members networking with ideas
http://www.twitter.com/stowers - Posts several times daily, new approaches, examples and case studies
http://www.twitter.com/jdodkins - items linking into the customer experience
http://www.bpgroup.org/ - Dozens of courses leading to the Certified Process Professional qualification (CPP)
all over the globe
http://www.processmiracle.com/ -
FREE course featuring the Secret Sauce
http://www.successfulcustomeroutcomes.net - 350+
articles on Advanced BPM
http://bpcommunity.blogspot.co.uk/ -
200+ articles on process improvement
https://www.youtube.com/user/snoozers69 -
Over 60 videos on the theme
http://www.slideshare.net/stowers/ -
More than 90 presentations (downloadable)
http://www.oibpm.com/ -
for all things and links Outside In
http://www.certifiedprocessprofessional.com/ -
Professional qualifications since 1992
http://www.bpgroup.org/their-opinion.html - Testimonials about us
PEXNetwork articles from Steve Towers, CEO at the BP Group
PEXNetwork articles from Steve Towers, CEO at the BP Group
PEXNetwork articles from James Dodkins, CCO at the BP Group
PEXNetwork articles from James Dodkins, CCO at the BP Group
http://bit.ly/1jTSXWi Videos and case studies - many less than 5 mins for quick consumption :)