The Evolution of Business Process Excellence

A theme of recent global conferences has been the mix of different approaches to improving business performance. This quest for business performance improvement as measured by reducing costs, improving revenues and enhanced service (also known as ‘the triple crown’) is a worldwide phenomena brought on by increasing competition, greater customer promiscuity, chaotic business cycles and more generally ‘globalization’. The pressure continues to increase and companies are seeking to extract every last opportunity out of their various initiatives and approaches. So what works best then?

Review the full article

BP Group Members can download a PDF of this article (with tables etc.)
and an associated Powerpoint presentation

To join the BP Group (it's free) click here.

Newsletter challenges? The firewalls (in and out) are being their usually helpful selves!
If you want a direct link to the online newsletter click -

And grab those casestudies while they last...

All the Best for a great weekend


Chair - BP Group
The 16th Annual BP Group survey has just completed. Preliminary results were presented in conjunction with IQPC at the BPE in Financial Services conference in London last week. Full results will be shared with all 1240 participants later this month prior to a webinar hosted by City Process Management (this years platinum sponsors).

If you would like a copy of the preliminary results let me know.
Just a quickie (and one off) to let you know of a permanent change to my previous email address. The new one is and it's effective immediately!

We'll have a BP Group newsletter featuring the 2008 Annual Survey, conference reviews and presentations, whitepaper (Accelerated Cost Reduction) and several offers THIS WEEK.

Also I would suggest a visit to the new BP Group site - the Open training programme for the next six months is taking shape there ;-)